Can dieting to lose weight help to keep a good figure?

Can dieting keep fit? Before discussing it, we can get a general idea of the results by looking around our friends who are not exercising but dieting and losing weight. It must be frustrating. Most people have failed. At least, dieting alone is a difficult thing to achieve long-term success. But it’s just observation and experience in everyday life. Is that true?

Define the meaning of “diet” first, because some authoritative works on nutrition or kinematics also use the term, but mostly refer to the use of scientific methods to “control diet”, rather than many people without rules, blindly reduce diet, or eat only one or some kind of food. In the following discussion, the Royal Emperor will use the term “diet control” to refer to the use of scientific diet to reduce weight method to arrange daily diet, and use “diet” to refer to the latter, that is, unscientific disorderly diet.

Our bodies have self-regulation and protection mechanisms. When dieting is used to lose weight, the body does not burn the fat reserves directly as you wish, but opens a low-energy mode of operation and improves the efficiency of fat storage. Although your intention is to lose weight, your body’s judgement is that you are suffering from famine. Once you return to a normal diet, the improved fat conversion and storage efficiency will result in a visible, rapid weight rebound that will make you fatter. And the longer you go on a diet, the stronger your craving for food, and many people will eat more when you return to a normal diet, which exacerbates this trend, which is also one of the manifestations of physical self-protection.

What wonderful ways have you heard about losing weight?

Some people think that the reason why the body grows fat is because of the stomach, on the one hand, because the stomach is too big, it will make food into the stomach, will be absorbed by the stomach, which leads to excessive nutrition of the body; on the other hand, because the stomach is too large, food will stay in the stomach for too long, so it also gives the stomach more time to absorb camp. Raise. In fact, this exhaustive fishing method can not reduce weight smoothly, but because the stomach to cut most of the later, will bring a lot of trouble to digestion.

Many people try to use drugs to lose weight, and come to the conclusion that the way drugs bring people to lose weight is actually to let people through diarrhea, and eventually make people collapse, which leads to a “sick thin” body. In fact, there is no scientific basis for drug weight loss, no drug can prevent or slow down the body’s metabolism, or fat synthesis. Therefore, some people usually take extreme diarrhea after using drugs, which will not only lead to intestinal dysfunction, but also lead to the loss of nutrients and water, which will bring serious disturbance to the normal function of the body.

In order to lose weight, some people choose to eat less or not at all. In fact, this is not a little help for weight loss, weight loss is not to say not to eat, or eat less, but to choose the right food, daily nutritional intake is enough, so as to be able to on the basis of health, let the body lose excess fat. If not, the stomach will be stimulated by enzymes or other stimuli, resulting in mucosal damage, and more seriously, bile duct stones, or gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therefore, when you lose weight, diet should be moderate and learn to eat scientifically, so that you can lose weight with half the effort. Otherwise, you will only go to extremes and bring harm to your body.

Eight Benefits of Weight Loss

When people start losing weight, the first thing they notice is a big improvement in physical fitness. When you lose weight, you need less energy to get through every day. Losing weight can also improve the efficiency of oxygen absorption, so after losing weight, when you climb the stairs or catch the bus, you will no longer be out of breath. Take running as an example: every time a athlete loses a kilogram, the time it takes to run a kilometer will be reduced by 2 seconds.

In a Swedish study in 2013, older women who lost weight for six months had significantly improved memory. Brain scans showed that their brains were more active in coding, so they needed only a small amount of brain resources to recall the information they had stored before. Previous studies have also found that obesity is associated with memory loss, especially in pear-shaped women with more buttocks.

Losing weight will make you more sexy, and your slim figure and self-confidence will strengthen your relationship with your partner. At the same time, changes in your body may force your partner to think about his or her health choices and drive him or her to exercise and lose weight to catch up with you. What is more enviable than a couple of men and women walking down the street?

Eight False Rumors about Weight Loss

Dieting is not a very easy thing to do, especially when you are influenced by a lot of so-called common sense, it is very difficult to make the most correct choice, because some so-called common sense may not be so effective. For example, this time we will introduce eight rumors about weight loss mistakes. If you want to lose weight, you should forget about them and stop believing in them.

Corn cakes are a very healthy food because they contain calcium, fiber and nutrients necessary for the organism. The tortillas don’t make you fat: The main problem is the amount of tortillas you consume in your meals or meal time.

Usually, lactose-free milk is recommended only for people with lactose intolerance. This may be due to inheritance due to reduced consumption of dairy products or some intestinal problems. Delaying milk prevents inflammation or flatulence, but if you don’t have lactose intolerance, it’s not recommended. To take care of your weight and diet, we recommend skim milk or light milk with less fat.

Since the 1990s, this diet has been very popular overseas, and now there is a trend of popularity in China. This diet contains only a certain amount of different fruit and vegetable juices. But that’s not good. According to the recommendations of the basic food table, diet must be complete, balanced and diverse, not based solely on one kind of food. In addition, fruit juice only contributes sugar and another vitamin to fruit.

Drinking water is important to losing weight

Many people think that weight loss is diet plus exercise sweating, but the thought of the pain of exercise sweating and the difficulty of resisting the temptation of food when dieting often delays weight loss plans. In fact, there are also tips for losing weight, such as drinking water, which should be emphasized today.

Drinking water can really make weight loss twice the result with half the effort, but the premise is that we are already on the way to lose weight. We do not say that we can lose weight just by drinking water without moving.

Drink plenty of water to promote fat decomposition: You know what we call fat burning is actually fat decomposition, burning triglycerides in fat. The first prerequisite for this decomposition is the participation of water, which requires three water molecules for the hydrolysis of each fat molecule. In addition, drinking water also indirectly promotes the synthesis of lipase. Colipase can only be activated at the interface between water and oil.

Therefore, drinking water is an unavailable reactant in the process of fat burning, and how much water you want to drink for a long time. At the same time, drinking water can also improve the body circulation, reduce blood viscosity, is also good.

In addition, when we lose weight, our body loses a lot of water because of sweating. We also need timely supplement, so that our physical fitness can recover quickly.

A good way for men to lose weight

If I warn all men who want to lose weight: don’t go on a diet, I’m sure many people will think it’s ridiculous. But in fact, diet is only a short-term change in diet behavior, and it is also because it is short-term, so many dieters do not achieve the goal.

In other words, if you start a diet, it means you will end it in the near future. Doing so will only make you fatter than before.

Therefore, many medical experts recommend that the way to lose weight is to pay attention to diet. That is to say, the amount of food you eat is the same, but pay attention to what you are eating. For example, a gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories, while a gram of protein has only 4 kilocalories. If you eat a bunch of fat-scented roast mutton kebabs and two white boiled eggs, your stomach will grow the same volume, but the former will make you fat.

Experts believe that less than 30% of calories should be consumed from fat every day. You don’t have to bother counting these numbers, just remember to cut down on fatty foods. Besides, don’t eat too fast. Men always eat as if they would be robbed if they didn’t.

How to Lose Weight in Spring

Some people lose weight by reducing their diet or eating only one kind of food, which can really reduce calories and food intake, but can cause nutritional imbalance. Protein is indispensable to our body. Protein can make up immune cells. If we go on an excessive diet, it will inevitably reduce the intake of protein. When minerals and vitamins are insufficient, it will cause damage to our body. We can’t blindly seek speed in the process of losing weight. Comprehensive intake of high-quality protein, nuts, vegetables and fruits for the body.

Sleep is essential for weight loss. The body mainly includes hunger hormones and leptin. As long as the balance between these two hormones is maintained, it can help to lose weight. In the process of high quality sleep can help the secretion of thin body, control appetite. If you stay up late for a long time, you will secrete a lot of starvation hormone and increase your appetite. Sleep can activate immune cells in the body and improve resistance. If the sleep time is too long, it will weaken the body’s resilience. During the weight loss period, because of lack of physical strength, it can not succeed in losing weight.

If the pressure is too high, it will affect the sympathetic nerves in the body. When the stress is too high, it will inevitably be released by overeating, which reduces the immune system. When you feel pressure, you might as well take a deep breath to relax your whole body. Every night when sleeping, you can do more stretching exercises or stretching, which can promote the secretion of weight-loss factors.

Obesity exerts a certain impact on your health

For people who want to lose weight, diet control is the best way to lose weight. Some people usually have the habit of overeating or make themselves eat high-fat and easy food. These foods will lead to excessive fat accumulation and lead to obesity when they enter the body. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you must control the intake of these foods, and only absorb the energy that can supply the body every day. Consumption of food is enough. Eat as much food as possible that has a strong sense of satiety and a low calorie content.

While controlling your diet, you should also exercise more. Exercise can help you consume calories of your body, so as to lose weight. Appropriate exercise half an hour after eating every day can make you consume calories of your food. A long time can make your body calories and fat be consumed, so that your weight can be reduced.

Doctors say that diet pills are also medicines that can play a role in weight loss. We know that the main purpose of weight loss is to burn fat and consume calories, but through diet pills can not achieve the purpose of burning fat. Most of the weight-loss drugs on the market have the function of lowering blood lipids. Some people look fat, but they are not very high. So blindly taking weight-loss drugs will have adverse factors on the human body and cause hypolipidemia. There are also many side effects.

Can regular running help you lose weight?

Many people know that they can help themselves lose weight through exercise, and most people usually take the way of running when they lose weight through exercise. Because running is a more convenient way of exercise, it is feasible everywhere. After eating or at work, they can let themselves run, so many people will help themselves lose weight by running. Can regular running really help you lose weight? In fact, running is a reliable way to lose weight, and long-term running can bring benefits to the body.

Running is a kind of aerobic exercise. It does not consume the energy of the body quickly while exercising. But with the increase of running time and the consumption of physical energy, when the energy of the body is insufficient, it can not provide energy to the body. At this time, the glycogen stored in muscle and liver will be decomposed into fat, which can also play the effect of weight loss. In addition, when running, because of the swing of the arm and the long-term leg exercise, the muscle energy of the arm and leg will also be consumed a lot, and the weight will also be reduced over time.

Regular running can promote the blood circulation of the body, thereby helping to improve metabolism, thereby increasing the body’s resistance, and can help some weak people to strengthen their physique. For some patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, regular running can make blood vessels unobstructed, thus preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Can you lose weight by eating avocado?

The Shea butter, which has entered China from abroad, has become a synonym for a healthy, low-fat, light and luxurious life. But whether avocado can lose weight, we still need to ask a question mark, after all, every 100 grams of avocado contains 15 grams of fat, eating avocado and eating pork is not really different. In order to understand the nutrition of avocado, the reporter interviewed a number of nutrition experts.

Peng Yigu, a national secondary public nutritionist and director of Changsha Municipal Nutrition Society, introduced that about 200 grams of avocado, according to the nutritional composition of every 100 grams edible part, protein accounts for 2%; carbohydrate accounts for 8%; sugar content is only 0.3%; fat content is 15%. Among them, monounsaturated fatty acid content is 9.8 grams, saturated fatty acid content is 2.1 grams, which is close to olive oil because This fatty acid structure is quite healthy.

In addition, the general potassium content of vegetables and fruits is not low, avocado is one of the best, there are 507 mg potassium per 100 grams, there are 6.8 grams of dietary fiber. The main role of potassium in human body is to maintain acid-base balance, participate in energy metabolism and maintain the normal function of nerves and muscles. “Because potassium can maintain myocardial function, it is not unreasonable to say that avocados have cardioprotective effects. But it can not be used as a health product to eat, if the body is really deficient in potassium, should go to the hospital to consult a professional doctor. Peng Yigu said.