Aerobics and Strength Training

Speaking of weight loss and fat reduction, I believe that everyone will certainly be familiar with it, because many of us will go to some weight loss and fat reduction training to achieve our goal of reducing body fat.

And many of us carry out the most weight loss and fat loss exercise, which should be aerobic exercise such as running, because many of us mentioned that the first time we think of weight loss and fat reduction, the exercise should be running .

As for weight loss and fat loss, what I want to say is that if we want to do better weight loss and fat reduction, or if we want to have a better weight loss and fat reduction effect.

Then it is not enough to just perform aerobic exercises such as running. We’d better go for some anaerobic strength training so that we can have a better fat loss effect.

So why can anaerobic strength training help us lose weight and lose fat, and make it easier to consume fat on our body?

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